What is Text Neck?

DynamicDocs is a hybrid chiropractic clinic that offers physical therapy in Bonney Lake, WA. We specialize in the treatment of text neck and other conditions. Our society is driven by technology today which means now more than ever we are constantly looking down, whether it’s to check text messages, social media, or emails. This creates stress into the tissue over time and strains the muscles in your neck, back, and shoulders.

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Why is sitting bad for you?

Did you know that sitting is the new smoking? Most people sit for eight or more hours a day, and the effects of sitting for so long are bad for our overall health. Prolonged sitting can lead to many health issues, including back pain and cardiovascular problems. Lack of daily movement can also make you feel sluggish and unfocused.

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Why Does My Knee Hurt?

Patellar Tendonitis is the inflammation of the patellar tendon. The inflammation occurs due to overuse or overloading the tissue with impact related activities such as walking, running, and jumping. Most knee pain is not due to an actual trauma but is from the burden of overcompensation from issues above or below the knee.

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How Do I set Goals?

With the New Year comes a new chapter and the time for you to work on yourself and set new goals. It’s fun to think about making changes to your routine and setting goals, but there is more to it than just thinking about it. Especially if you want to achieve your goal. In order to set yourself up for success, it is important to make your goals SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.) For example, a non-SMART goal would be to say, “I am going to work out more.” Although this goal has good intentions there is nothing there to help you achieve your goal. To make it a SMART goal it would be “I am going to work out for 20 min 3 x a week.” This is more specific, measurable, and therefore is more achievable. physical therapy, sports medicine, chiropractor, sumner,

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What Is Upper Cross Syndrome?

Upper Cross Syndrome is often caused by poor posture over an extended period which causes rounded shoulders and forward head. Today, we are all spending much of our time behind a computer and texting on our smart phones. This is why Upper Cross Syndrome is one of the most common things Dr. Victoria sees and treats in her practice.

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Victoria Wirtz